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Do You Know Jesus?




“Ngokuba uNkulunkulu walithanda izwe kangaka, waze wanikela ngendodana yakhe ezelwe yodwa ukuba yilowo nalowo okholwa yiyo angabhubhi, kodwa abe-nokuphila okuphakade.”

NgokukaJohane 3:16


”For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3.16



Ungamthola kanjani uJesu?



Ibhayibheli lisitshela ukuthi wonke umuntu udinga uxolo nensindiso  kaNkulunkulu. Lithi simjikele uNkulunkulu njengomdali wethu, senza okuphambene nentando yakhe.


KwabaseRoma 3:23


“Ngokuba bonke bonile, basilalelwe inkazimulo kaNkulunkulu”.



Uma sibuyela kuNkulunkulu semukele insindiso yakhe sofunda okukhulu emhlabeni; sindiswa ubengumtwana kaNkulunkulu mihla yonke yokuphila kwakho kuze ube nokuphila okuphakade. Uma singabuyeli kuNkulunkulu samukele insindiso siyokubhubha. 



KwabaseRoma 6:23


“ngokuba inkokhelo yesono ingukufa, kepha isipho somusa sikaNkulunkulu singukuphila okuphakade kuKristu Jesu iNkosi yethu.”



Singazenzela izono ngokwethu, kodwa uNkulunkulu wasusa izono zethu mhla ethumela uJesu Kristu emhlabeni.


KwabaseRoma 5:8


“Kepha uNkulunkulu uyabonakalisa ukusithanda kwakhe ngalokho ukuthi, siseyizoni, uKristu wasifela.”



Unkulunkulu wenza lokho ngoba esithanda, wayengafuni ukuthi silahleke unomphelo.


NgokukaJohane 3:16


“Ngokuba uNkulunkulu walithanda izwe kangaka, waze wanikela ngendodana yakhe ezelwe yodwa ukuba yilowo nalowo okholwa yiyo angabhubhi, kodwa abe-nokuphila okuphakade.”



Kuze usindiswe uqala ngokuvuma zonke izono zakho. Uthi, Nkulunkulu ngiyaxolisa ngonile ngicela uxolo. Ngomusa kaJesu, uzongixolela kukho konke okubi engakwenza phambi kwabantu naphambi kwakho. Ibhayibheli lithi uNkulunkulu ususa zonke izono zakho.


1kaJohane 1:9


“Uma sizivuma izono zethu, uthembekile, ulungile ukuba asithethelele izono, asihlambulule kukho konke ukungalungi.”



ukuzalwa kabusha kusho ukushiya impilo yakudala uqale impilo entsha noJesu. Ukushiya impilo yakudala khona kusho ukucela uxolo ebantwini uma sibonile.


NgokukaJohane 3:3


“Ujesu waphendula, wathi kuye: Ngiqinisile ngiqinisile ngithi kuwe: Uma umuntu engazalwa ngokusha, angewubone umbuso kaNkulunkulu.”



Uma samukela uJesu njengomsindisi wethu sizalwe kabusha sibe ngabantwana bakaNkulunkulu. UNkulunkulu uqobo uyangena ezinhliziyweni zethu ngoMoya wakhe oyincwele. UMoya oyincwele uyasisiza njengabantwana bakaNkulunkulu ukuba isphile ngokwenhloso nangesifiso sakhe ngezimpilo zethu.


NgokukaJohane 1:12


“Kepha bonke abamamukelayo wabapha amandla okuba babe-ngabantwana bakaNkulunkulu, labo abakholwa engameni lakhe”


2 kwabaseKorinte 5:5


“Kepha owasenzela khona lokho nguNkulunkulu owasipha isibambiso esinguMoya.”



Ngabe ikhona yini enye indlela yensindiso na? Ibhayibheli  lithi uJesus yedwa osindisayo, akekho omunye.




NgokukaJohane 14:6


“UJesu wathi kuye: Mina ngiyindlela, neqiniso, nokuphila; akakho oza kuBaba ngaphandle kwami.”


Ibhayibheli libuye likubeke ngokucacile ukuthi noma kukhona amagama amakhulu emlandweni kodwa linye igama esingasindiswa ngalo elikaJesu lodwa.


Izenzo 4:14


“Ayikho insindiso ngomunye, ngokuba alikho futhi elinye igama phansi kwezulu elinikwe ebantwini, esimelwe ukusindiswa ngalo.”



Insindiso uNkulunkulu asipha yona ngokwemukela uJesu Kristu njengomsindisi wethu, ingumusa kaNkulunkulu nothando lwakhe. Iyisipho esitholakala ngaphandle kwemisebenzi. Singeza nobunjalo bethgu.


Kwabase – Efesu 2:8-10


“Ngokuba ngomusa nisindiswe ngokukholwa; nalokhu akuveli kini, kuyisipho sikaNkulunkulu; akuveli ngemisebenzi, ukuze kungabikho ozibongayo. Ngokuba singumsebenzi wakhe kuKristu Jesu, sidalelwe imisebenzi emihle ayilungisela ngaphambili uNkulunkulu ukuba sihambe kuyo.”



Uma usukwenzile lokhu okushiwo ngenhla, kuhle ukuthi utshele umndeni wakho, nabangani bakho kanye nosebenza nabo noma ofunda nabo ukuthi usindisiwe. Ngokwenza njalo uhlonipha uNkulunkulu ngobufakazi bokuthula nenjabulo onayo njengomtwana kaNkulunkulu. Kundingeka ufunde ibhayibheli kuze wazi okuningi ngoJesu.


KwabaseRoma 10:9-10


“Ngokuba uma uvuma ngomlomo wakho ukuthi uJesu uyiNkosi, ukholwa enhliziyweni yakho ukuthi uNkulunkulu wamvusa kwabafileyo,uyakusindiswa; ngokuba umuntu ukholwa ngenhliziyo kube-ngukulunga, ngomlomo uyavuma kube-ngukusindiswa.”


Ungathandaza lomthandazo :


“Nkulunkulu othandekayo. Ngiyabonga ukuthi uthethelele zonke izono zami. Ngibonga ukuthi ungamukele njengomtwana wakho. Ngiyabonga Nkosi Jesu ukuthi wafela izono zami esiphambanweni. Ngiyakubonga Moya oyincwele ukuthi uyaphila enhliziyweni yami futhi uyangisiza ukuthi ngiphile njengomKristu. Ngiphe amandla okuthi ngifakaze ngensindiso yakho. Egameni likaJesu. Amen.”


Isivumo saba Phostoli


Ngiyakholwa kuNkulunkulu, uBaba uninimandla onke, umdali wezulu nomhlaba.


Ngiyakholwa kuJesu Kristu, indodana kaNkulunkulu ezelwe yodwa, iNkosi yethu, yena owazalwa ngomoya ngoMoya oyincwele, yitshitshi uMariya, wahlupheka phunsi kombusi uPilatu, wabethelwa, wafa, wancwatshwa; wabekwa kwafileyo. Ngosuku lwesithathu wavuka kwabafileyo; wenyuselwa ezulwini, uhlezi esandleni sokudla sikaNkulunkulu uyise, uyeza ukuzohlulela abaphilayo nabafileyo.


Ngiyakholwa nguMoya oyincwele, yibandla elincwele, ukuhlangana kwabazalwane, ekuthethelelwa kwezono, ukuvuswa komzimba, nokuphila okuphakade. Amen.


Umthandazo wenkosi


Baba wethu osezulwini, malingcweliswe igama lakho; mawufike umbuso wakho; mayenziwe intando yakho emhlabeni njengasezulwini; usiphe namuhla isinkwa sethu semihla ngemihla; usithethelele amacala ethu, njengalokhu nathi sibathethelela abanecala kithi; ungasingenisi ekulingweni, kodwa usikhulule kokubi; ngokuba umbuso ungowakho, namandla, nenkazimulo, kuze kubephakade. Amen


Uma ungumKristu kubalulekile ukuthi uthole ibandla lapho uzohlanganyela khona namanye amaKristu. Thola ibandla eliphakamisa uJesu Kristu lapho kunamathuba khona evangeli.


(Translated: Velani Buthelezi)



How to find Jesus?




The Bible tells us that all men need God’s forgiveness and salvation. It tells us that we have turned away from God who created us and that we often act and live a life in disharmony with the will of God.


Romans 3:23

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”.




If we turn to God and receive his salvation we will experience the greatest thing on earth; get saved and become children of God for the rest of our life on earth and for eternity. If we don’t turn to God and receive his salvation we will perish.


Romans 6:23   

 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. ”




We should pay the price for our own sins, but God made an atonement for us when he sent Christ Jesus to the world.


Romans 5:8  

 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”




God did all this because he loved us and didn’t want us to be lost forever.


John 3:16   

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”




To get saved means to begin with confessing all your sins. You say to God: God, I am sorry because I have sinned and I need your forgiveness.  For Jesus sake, will you forgive me for all the wrong I have done against you and against other people. The Bible then tells that God takes away all your sins.


1.John 1:9   

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”




This is what it means to be born again: to leave behind our old life and begin a new life together with Jesus. To leave behind the old life also means to ask people for forgiveness if we have wronged them in any way.


John 3:3   

Jesus declared, I tell you the truth, no-one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”




When we receive Jesus as our Saviour and are born again we become children of God. God himself moves into our hearts through his Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit will help us to live as God’s children according to his will and purpose for our lives.


John 1:12   

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”


2.Cor 5:5 

”Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.”




But is there no other way to salvation? The Bible tells us that Jesus is the one and only Saviour.


John 14; 6 

Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through me.”


The Bible also says that even if there are lots of big names in history there is only one name, the name of Jesus, which leads man to salvation from sin.


Acts 4:12    

Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”




The salvation God gives us when we receive Jesus Christ as our Saviour is a salvation given by the grace of God and by his great love for us. It is a gift we can receive without having to do particular good deeds or pray special long prayers. We can come as we are.


Ephes 2:8-10 

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no-one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.




When you have done what has been suggested above, it is good if you tell your family, your friends and your colleagues at school or at work or where you live your life that you have been saved. In doing that you honour God and extend his Kingdom. At the same time you will experience an inner peace and joy because you are a child of God. Read also the Bible and get to know Jesus better!


Romans 10:9-10  

 ”if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,

you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.


You may pray this prayer:

 ”Dear God.  Thank you for forgiving all my sins. Thank you for accepting me as your child. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for dying on the cross for my transgressions.  Thank you, Holy Spirit, that you live in my heart and will help me to live as a Christian.  Help me and give me courage to tell others that I have been saved.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.”


The Apostles' Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.


I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.


I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.



The Lord’s prayer


Our father in heaven, hallowed by your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those, who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever.   Amen.


When you have become a Christian it is important that you find a Christian church where you can have fellowship with other Christians. Find your way to a fellowship where Jesus Christ is at the centre and where you have an opportunity to live out the Gospel in everyday life. 




Do You Know Jesus?



Do You Know Jesus?




Welcome to an exciting future

 with Jesus!

Wemukelekile ekusaseni elinenjabulo KuJesu!